
Camargue Grandmother

Year of birth 1990 - Observed 125 times

A bit of a homebody, she’s never understood the adventuresome spirt of some of her fellow flamingos. She’s convinced that nothing’s worth the Camargue which she hasn’t left since her birth. She remembers with emotion winning the Queen of Arles competition…

Behind Fanny there’s a flamingo wearing the ring BAAA, born in the Camargue in 1990, and who has travelled over 2,300 kms.

Camargue Grandmother

Un peu casanière, elle n’a jamais compris l’esprit d’aventure de certains de ses congénères. Elle est persuadée qui rien ne vaut la Camargue qu’elle n’a pas quitté depuis sa naissance. Elle se souvient avec émotions de sa nomination pour devenir Reine d’Arles…

50€/year (17€ after tax deduction)
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A bit of a homebody, she’s never understood the adventuresome spirt of some of her fellow flamingos. She’s convinced that nothing’s worth the Camargue which she hasn’t left since her birth. She remembers with emotion winning the Queen of Arles competition…

Behind Fanny there’s a flamingo wearing the ring BAAA, born in the Camargue in 1990, and who has travelled over 2,300 kms.

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Family Camargue

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